Beaker Browser built on Dat & IPFS.
Candy Diet for non-thinking readers.
Gyroid Graphene for space elevators.
Hard To See your own contribution.
Iceland's Abuse and mitigation.
Long-Term Inequality reset by violent redistribution.
Profiling Voters to win elections.
Ships Mapped classified and animated.
To Be Elastic at amazon's scale.
Bitter Ending of a productive collaboration.
Forbes Trusts these publications.
Improved Vision with architectural patterns.
Spirit Scientists and how to use them.
Three Ways We Must Think to understand the world.
Too Stupid to be Wrong about a domain.
Collaborative Exploration as a mode of discourse.
Freemium Calculations without learning about software.
Hospitality Remembered and then recalled.
Microservices Visualized more complicated than this.
Mobile Version is harder than we thought.
Pervitin, etc. fueled Reich aggression.
Secure Automata at all process boundaries.
Dry Pipeline of talent for public good.
Forbidden Research at the MIT Media Lab
Jumps Land Safely with known destinations.
Marbled Night of Van Gogh recreated.
Problems in UI Engineering need continuous attention.
Read like a Wikipedian for a sound footing before starting.
SIG Humor with a decade of proceedings.
Why Wikipedia Works when others failed.
Tools of Change where the message demands artistry.
Mind Meld while pair programming.