# A Framework by
Silke Helfrich is an uninstitutionalized academic and independent activist.
David Bollier is a commons activist, scholar, author and blogger.
This framework helps us to develop a commons vocabulary (not taxonomy) and is the foundation of our thinking about commoning and the commons. It is imperfect and incomplete if only because the realities of the human condition ultimately elude full systemization and analysis. Despite attempts to create an "utopia of rules" (David Graeber) through bureaucracy and other systems of control, human agency is always dynamic, surprising and boundary-crossing: a case of biopoetics vs. universal systems, one might say.

Working Together Teamwork Puzzle Concept. source
Each section below describes aspects of commons as seen through different lens; there is therefore an overlap and correspondence among the patterns on each list. Note that the lists do not assert universal, ahistorical principles of commons, but rather recurrent, general *patterns* of commoning that vary widely. (Foto Wikimedia Commons
MakeCommoningWork template, Governance Practices template, Notes to David, Notes to Silke, Term Dropping, Book Title, Unresolved Questions, The Five Stars, The Radar Chart, Foto Transporter, Preface Notes, Tech Questions, The Book
four layers
# 1. Core Dimensions of Commoning
- Cultivating Shared Purpose & Values - World-Making in a Pluriverse* - Situated Knowing - Care-Honoring - Creatively Adaptive - Entangled With Nature - Strengthening the Nested-I* - Celebrate Success, Failure & Togetherness*
- Pool & Share - Cap & Share or Mutualize But Don't Trade - Produce Cosmo-Locally - Use Convivial Tools - Decouple Giving & Taking* - Rely on Distributed Structures - Protect & Extend Value Sovereignty - Direct Capital to Commons Provisioning - Establish Discrimination-Free Infrastructures
# 3. Dynamics of Self-Governance in Commons # 3.a. Governing Internal Relations - Relationalize Property - Develop Shared Purpose & Values - Assure Inclusiveness but Set Semi-Permeable Boundaries - Assure Commoners' Consent in Decisionmaking - Honor Transparency in a Sphere of Trust - Share Knowledge Often and Widely - Self-Monitor, Mediate & Sanction For reference see also Ostrom's Design Principles for Commons Institutions and How To Govern # 3.b. Governing External Relations - Beat the Bounds - Emulate & Then Federate - Create Polycentric Democracies - Accept State Oversight & Support as Needed See also State Functions for Commoning
# 4. Inner Kernel
- Relational Categories - Epistemology - Aspirations - Rationality - Metaphors - Federating the Nested-I Perspective
browsing through this wiki
# Grouping Commons based on # a) Realms of Commoning In alphabetical order: Air&Atmosphere, Art&Culture, Communication, Democratic Innovation, Energy, Fisheries, Food, Forests, Health, Housing, Knowledge, Land, Learning, Mobility, Spirit&Well Being, Spaces for Commoning, Technology&Tools, Water
# b) Geographic Location or Scope
Nation-States in: Africa, Asia, Americas, Australia/Oceania, Europe Beyond Nation-States: bioregional, transnational
# c) Alphabetical Listing of Projects & Initiatives
This is an alphabetical listing of important concepts we refer to in this fedwiki are: abundance, bureaucracy, commoner, conviviality, esthetics and style, federation, freedom, governance, inter-commoning, Market-State, Mutualization, patterns instead of principles, paradigm shift, permacircularity, polycentricity, power, reciprocity, self-organization, systems, transformation, transition, value sovereignity, vision, weahlt, wholeness