Notes to Silke

For some reason you deleted the reference I added to social holon -- the Mihaela Ulieru book chapter. Was this a mistake in forking?

certainly a mistake, because I would not "delete" anything but - if needed - shift it somewhere, in this case this wouldn't have made sense: So I guess it was a forking-mistake. We should try to understand what happened in order to avoid similar situations. I did not yet open the panel for "holon" - did you: I only have one for social holon, which I think is the interesting concept

We need to re-visit the "Celebrate.." category sometime. Do we need to incorporate play, enlivenment and other affective characteristics into this dimension of commoning?

- -> give me some time to work on the commoning-issue; I'll report back, once the re-translation is done; I am about to add one or two more dimensions; So - once we have a new English text - let's discuss

- DB: Re "Creative Inclusiveness..." this may be our western conceit & aspiration that commons. As an empirical reality, I imagine most traditional and indigenous commons have little aspiration to be inclusive beyond their social boundaries, and indeed, perhaps a keen aversion to outsiders.

- "Inner Kernel" has replaced "Ontological Layer" -> but David wants to replace it later through sth else :-) for the moment it'll do the job