The Emotional Dictionary was a project I started with artist Dilek Winchester some time around 2001, to create a visual and multimedia dictionary of emotions.
# FEAST of emotions
The idea here is to curate a radio conference on emotions, or emotional health. Can we look at mental health from a positive perspective? Can we explore the diversity of reactions to emotional situations? Let's collect some ideas and research around this subject.
Here are some links:
- Emotional Diary -
- Notes on privacy -
- This Emotional Life on PBS -
- An Emotional Dictionary -
- Emotional Diary on facebook
- Dealing with depression -
- A framework for reflective practice - researchgate
The podcast below discusses the use of such an emotional dictionary in CBT.
Words can become your worst enemy. Dr Jane Gregory tells how to defuse their power - Consider contacting
or @helenzaltzman
# See also
In 1928, William Moulton Marston published The Emotions of Normal People, based on his theory of human personality divided into four quadrants: dominance, inducement, submission and compliance.
Guilt is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person believes or realizes—accurately or not—that he or she has compromised his or her own standards of conduct or has violated a moral standard and bears significant responsibility for that violation. It is closely related to the concept of remorse - wikipedia
Here we collect stories and experiences of people we have know that hear voices:
How the voices in our heads shape us, for better and for worse -
Four distinct concerns surface when designing federated wiki based information communities. We identify each and suggest forces that must be resolved before creative collaboration will take place.
We created a web application that was based on a wiki-like dictionary of Emotion, together with a multimedia database of images, and music, and art works that resonated with the emotion. Then we looked at various forms of categorisation of emotions, from location in the body, to Spinoza on Emotion.
Out of this project developed my interest in Emotional Law, which is a project to look at a subjective causal ontology of emotions. Which emotions when mixed with other emotions lead to a derivative experience? Are there compound emotions and primitive emotions? Is it possible to use these ontologies to compose art works and music?