December Journal


Exploring differences between pages.


Visualizing Differences

<b>2014-12-23</b> * Dominant voices * Trending on FedWikiHappening! link <p> 2014-12-22 * URLs not Idempotent * The Humane Representation of Thought * References * As If I Were You * Halo Colors

2014-12-21 * collaborative fiction * authority

2014-12-20 * FedWiki Markdown Cheat Sheet * Finding Things in FedWiki

2014-12-19 * Recent Changes gone missing * Where is the cheat sheet for FedWiki Markdown?

More experimentation and reflection on:

  • writing and editing in fedwiki
  • identity and provenance
  • orange halo of death
  • comments
  • Summary: On my first engagement with fedwiki after a long hiatus, I struggled with:

  • orange halo of death
  • neighborhood dynamics
  • provenance of pages
  • notification of forking